Wednesday, December 10, 2008

November/December updates

"I think I can"......

This has been my continued thought over the past month. Purchasing our home has been great and also exhausting. We basically re-painted the entire home........the previous owners were a big fan of fire engine red (and not the pretty version). With Caleb working in Houston almost the whole month of November caused a lot to initially fall on me. I don't have the before and after pictures here with me but those will be posted soon. The transformation I hope was for the better :)

Outside of nonstop work on our new home, we had Thanksgiving, I was sick for over two weeks, Caleb worked in Houston, Caleb came home from Houston and we kept working on the house, we attended a wedding, 2 baby showers (one of which I threw for my sister) and then normal work and life!! Thus, why I was so sick :-)

And now for the fun update!! As of December 8, 2008 8:58am Pacer Sanderson was new nephew. Janae (my sis and his mommy) did great, although she went through over 30hrs of labor......I was there for almost all of it and to say the least everyone was exhausted. But, it was worth it, Pacer was 7.2 lbs and 19" long. He is just amazing, a blessing to his family and everyone is already obsessed with him. He loves to sleep and even slept right though his first "hair washing"!

I love every second with him.....I could hold him for hours!

We are looking ahead to Christmas now and in shock it's already here! I am excited to see what the new year brings. If it's anything like 2008 it will be full and amazing!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Well I finally have good news in regards to our living situation. We found out last night that the loan was finally given a "clear to close" approval!!!
We will go to the title place tomorrow to complete all of this StUfF! :) Caleb is still in Houston working and will have to drive up for this and then head right back down to keep making that mulah.
We are really excited but have a whole new project to take on now....moving, buying needed home items, painting, and on and on the list goes!! So we are taking it one day at a time.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hardy, AR....Much needed get-a-way

This past weekend my family went to Hardy, AR to enjoy some time away at my grandpas lake house. To say the least Caleb and I enjoyed getting away from the stress around home. Caleb is back in Houston and I'm back to work!

But we had a great time and enjoyed being with family. We went at a great time of the year, the trees are amazing colors and the weather was to die for!

We also enjoyed some pretty good food....I know I put some weight on while we were away :)

My parents treated us to dinner at a place that overlooked the river....I'm BLANK on the name but we were able to go take pictures on the lookout spot. Our table was in the corner with windows and we had an amazing view! This picture doesn't do justice......

We played lots of games and just enjoyed the time.

We flew back Sunday in time for work Monday. It was a special time to be with everyone.....this was the first trip all of us girls have been on together since 2004!!! It's always sad when it's over but now we are home and trying to get back into the swing of things. STILL tyring to close on this house!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Exhaustion is setting in!

No news is bad news! Still haven't been able to close the loan for the house. Although we have submitted "the final form" a million times it seems we aren't there yet.

Caleb decided to go ahead and leave for Houston since we have not been able to move forward on the house. He will be working there for a while on the insurance claims.

Keep us and this house in your prayers!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How we met

Some of you may know our story and don't need to waste 3 minutes of your life reading this and some of you may not know our story and don't need to waste 3 minutes of your life learning this! :) I'll tell you the story either way and you can be the judge!

Caleb and I met in October of 2004, almost exactly 4 years ago to the day. Caleb is good friends with Paul Attaway who married my sister and when they were dating we were introduced to one another (and that's the NON confusing version). We hit it off from the first night we hung out but did not actually start dating until June of 2005.

Colorado December 2006

We had interesting things happen in our relationship from the start. Starting with September of '05 when I became extremely ill with mono. I basically did not leave the house for 2-3 months straight and Caleb was there every step of the way, bringing me food, movies, making me laugh when I had my really bad days and so much more. I don't know who it was more difficult for, me not being able to do ANYTHING and being more sick then anything else I had experienced in my life or for Caleb who had to spend everyday with a girl who was sick, in bed all the time, didn't give him the attention you normally get in a relationship etc?? But after 2 months of me being in bed and another year of trying to get my health back to normal we learned a lot about each other! I wouldn't go back to that time but I wouldn't change it either.

We had been dating for close to 3 years when Caleb proposed. We were on vacation with his parents in Puerto Rico in April of 2008 when he asked me to marry him, I told him to let me sleep on it for a few days and after thinking it over I said Yes! ;-)

Puerto Rico 2008

We were married by May 31st 2008.....yes only 4 weeks later. (Hey when your ready your ready!)

Although this is not the way to do it for everyone is was perfect for us. We had a fairly small wedding and not your traditional wedding in my perspective. As of yesterday we have been married for 4 months and have not had a moments rest in that time.....between working full time, trying to buy a home (we are on the fourth house), taking a couple vacations, and just LIFE happening it's been full. Life is great and we are excited about what is to come. We are "supposed" to officially own our home by next week and will begin the moving process......we'll believe it when we see it!